Answering the Call & Gathering the Community

The dream to build our community’s first all-abilities playground began to take form during the Covid 19 Pandemic. During this time at Olympic View Church in Sequim, Washington parishioners gathered in the church’s large outdoor space to attend church safely in community. The children of the church would gather and play on the church’s small playground during the services and the sounds of laughter and joy would lift the spirits of the church goers.

However not all of the children were able to actually play together during services. One of the children attending the church requires a wheelchair and because of the physical barriers on the old playground, it made play inaccessible for him. A seed of change was planted and the idea to build an all-abilities playground was formed. The leadership of Olympic View Church welcomed and pledged full support to the idea to build space that not only fostered accessible play for all abilities but a place for people to gather and build community.

The Gathering Ground would not be possible without the full and total support of Olympic View Church. They have provided the space and are overseeing the management of the project. They are also providing funding from donations and fund raising efforts.

Olympic View Church wants The Gathering Ground to be a place for all in the community to gather regardless of faith, age, race and ability and for this project to be the example of their Christian faith in action.

If you would like to learn more about Olympic View Church please click here